The Solution for Emergency Room Visits and Preventable Hospitalizations: Tepeyac

The cost of emergency room visits ranges from $150 to $3,000 or more, depending on several factors such as the severity of the case, and types of tests and treatments that a patient may need. Although federal law mandates that emergency room staff must provide care for all patients regardless of their ability to pay, does not mean that the visit is free.

Any patient treated at an emergency room will be responsible for the full bill. If the patient is unable to pay, they need to work out a payment plan with the hospital. Patients who don’t have legal residency in the United States face even more hardship. While some states give care to children under the age of 18 regardless of their immigration status, the rest of the undocumented population is left at the mercy of urgent care and community health centers.

Tepeyac Community Health Center provides access to high-quality, affordable primary and preventative care to every patient regardless of legal status or health insurance coverage.

Tepeyac respects the inherent dignity of every person coming to our facilities. Tepeyac providers are sensitive, inclusive, and empowering in our relationships with others. Our bilingual medical staff speaks in patients’ preferred language (Spanish) and accepts and respects cultural differences, to best ensure that patients understand medical terms and recommendations.

Our patient centered approach, results in reduced visits to the ER. Tepeyac provides over 17,000 patient visits per year, resulting in $6 million in annual savings to the overall health system by treating our patients with care and respect.


Would you like to support Tepeyac Community Health Center in our mission to provide high-quality, accessible health care services to the underserved communities in Denver? Consider giving today.


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