Upcoming Open Enrollment and OmniSalud Reminders

Open Enrollment begins tomorrow, November 1st, and we have some particular reminders about OmniSalud.
Reminder: The $0 premium OmniSalud spots will fill up on a first-come, first-served basis. If you had insurance through OmniSalud last year, you will need to reenroll.
Financial assistance is available for 11,000 OmniSalud enrollees in 2024. Scheduling OmniSalud enrollment appointments as soon as possible during the Open Enrollment period can help clients access this financial assistance.

Here are more important details about OmniSalud:

  • Application information is not shared with federal partners and cannot be used for immigration enforcement.

  • Applicants do not have to show proof of identity, and do not have to respond to requests for their Social Security Number. The only information needed to apply is a person’s name, address, and proof of income.

  • Enrollment does not negatively affect public charge.

Visit Connect for Health Colorado for more information about the OmniSalud program.




Happy National Health Center Week!